Application Information for Membership to PGOSA
There are different ways to get, or to renew your membership in PGOSA. In addition to applying in person or by mail using the PGOSA Membership Form, you have the option to obtain your membership online. Membership for 2025.
Members and prospective members are invited to choose their preferred method. These methods are outlined below.
Not sure whether or not you already renewed? Misplaced your card? Email us to confirm your membership status and get a replacement card by email.
Membership Cost is determined by age group:
- Ages 55 - 79, the annual fee is $15
- For those reaching the age of 80, the annual fee is $10
- And upon reaching the age of 90, membership is complimentary
- As of September 1 for those 55 - 89, the fee is $5. (Membership valid until December 31)
- You can also purchase a PGOSA pin name badge or a magnetic PGOSA name badge. Your badge will be mailed to you.
- Membership for the following year is available after November 1.
- Please note that PGOSA is an age-restricted organization, therefore we require that you submit your year of birth with your application. If you neglected to include it on your form you will be contacted to provide it. It can be submitted via email to . Your year of birth is only required to confirm eligibility and will not be shared with anyone.
There are three ways to submit your application for membership:
Instant Membership: At the PGOSA Table, available anytime the PGOSA Table is open: Use the PGOSA Membership Form: This is a fillable form. Once you download the form you can enter your information and then PRINT the resulting form. Please note that we require 1 form per person – not 1 form per couple. Bring the PRINTED and signed application with you to the PGOSA table. Check the Calendar for dates, times and location. (We also have hard copies available at the PGOSA Table for you to complete on-site.) PGOSA volunteers will check your form, take payment and issue your card.
Almost Instant Membership: Online. available anytime, 24/7: (you will receive your membership card via email upon confirmation of your membership application) This involves using the online membership form. This form will process all of your information, and take care of your account automatically with payment via PayPal. It is NOT necessary to have a PayPal account. You can also order a personalized PGOSA name badge via this online form. It should be noted that PGOSA incurs extra administrative expense using PayPal; and this small cost is added to the fee levied for your online purchase(s). Online membership application available at this link: 2025. We require a separate application for each person and each member year.
Membership within 10 - 14 business days: By Mail: Using the PGOSA Membership Form. This is a fillable form. Once you download the form you can enter your information and then PRINT the resulting form. The completed form can then be mailed to the membership committee. Please include the following: A cheque for the correct amount of membership and any badge option. You must include a stamped self addressed envelope in order to receive your PGOSA Membership card.
Mail your completed application to:
PGOSA Membership Committee
P.O. Box 957,
Parksville BC V9P 2G9.
PGOSA volunteers will check your form, verify payment and mail your card. Subject to the vagaries of Canada Post and the availability of PGOSA Membership Committee volunteers, this could take at least 10 business days. If you wish to participate in a PGOSA activity within 2 weeks, please use one of the other two membership options available. Your application will be delayed if you do not include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for your membership card.
Using Your Membership Card
You need to have your PGOSA membership card with you in order to participate in PGOSA activities as activity managers are required to check for bona fide membership. One must be a paid up member to participate in PGOSA activities. If you cannot prove your status as a member you may be precluded from participating in an Activity (which no one wants)
We are also growing our "Friends of PGOSA" list where discounts are given to PGOSA members in exchange for some free publicity via our website and newsletters. So, keep your card with you....using it, even once, at a "Friend" will likely pay for your annual fees by way of cash savings. If you know of a business that would like to join our Friends list please refer them by emailing us directly; it's a win/win!